Service Cavity Insulation
Terra Lana service cavity insulation is designed to fill service cavity spaces, adding R-Value to the thermal envelope, while still allowing the passage of wiring and plumbing services.

Service Cavity Wall
Our Service Cavity insulation blanket rolls are easily friction-fitted and fixed by staples between cavity battens. It comes in standard widths to fill typical batten voids.

Service Cavity Ceiling
Service Cavity insulation blanket rolls are fixed by staples between cavity battens across ceiling rafters.

Service Cavity Ceiling
Showing service cavity insulation installed across the inside face of ceiling rafters, between service cavity spacers.
Key Product Data
For bulk orders, Terra Lana Service Cavity insulation can be ordered to custom widths.
Product Data Sheets
View & download a pdf product table and data sheets for all our insulation products
Installation Guides
View & download the installation guide for all our insulation products
Specification Table
View & download the Architect specification table sheet
Installation Video
How to calculate and install wall and ceiling Service Cavity insulation.
Return your offcuts
As part of our commitment to zero waste, Terra Lana insulation offcuts can be returned to our factory in Christchurch. We recycle offcuts into more insulation.
Sales & Specifications
Contact our team to find out which Terra Lana product is right for your project.